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๐Ÿ“‹ Kanban Project Management

Kanban originated in the manufacturing sector. But, recently, it has become a popular approach to managing projects.

This is especially as it has been developed into an Agile Project Management methodology.

Kanban is a project management methodology tool that allows you to get a more visual overview of the tasks that either need to get done or are complete.

As its core, it consists of a physical or digital board with three columns.

To Do, In Progress, Done

Tasks are listed as story cards:

In Kanban project management...

Start with what you are doing now

Strongly emphasises non making any change to your existing setup/process right away. Any changes needed can occur gradually over a period of time at a pace the team is comfortable with.

Agree to pursue incremental, evolutionary change

Kanban encourages you to make small incremental changes rather than making radical changes that might lead to resistance within the team or organisation

Initially, respect current roles, responsibilities and job-titles

Unlike other methods, Kanban does not impose any organisational changes by itself. So, it is not necessary to make changes to your existing roles and functions which may be performing well. The team will collaboratively identify and implement any changes needed.

Encourage acts of leadership at all level

Kanban encourages continuous improvement at all levels of the organisation and it says that leadership acts don't have to originate from senior managers only. People at all levels can provide ideas and show leadership to implement changes to continually improve the way they deliver their products and services.